Doughnuts and Tulips Ink Palettes


We are on day 51 of our self-imposed quarantine, and luckily we are all doing pretty well. I’ve been sick since Monday, so we are taking one day at a time. Today it hit me that I miss doughnuts. We are not big on eating out, but the one exception is when I take my son for doughnuts after appointments with his specialist. I could seriously use an Oreo doughnut from Legendary Doughnuts in Tacoma right about now (never mind that it’s 9 o’clock at night and they are probably closed-please tell me I’m not the only one that craves doughnuts late at night). Oreos+doughnuts=amazing and you really can’t go wrong, right??? Well you can’t go wrong with these inks either, because they are fun and bright and match these doughnuts that I wish I was eating.


I miss tulips. They are pretty and come in a million different colors. Coral oranges are my favorite oranges, so Sailor Ink Studio 473 is good one.


Gimme all the pastel shading inks in spring, but I also need some great classic inks too. Sailor Jentle Black is one of my favorite inks-I always have it in at least one pen.


I miss farmers markets. I miss being able to take my kids to help me pick out food each week and see what new ingredients they want to try. We have had really good luck with a local company delivering produce to us each week during stay-at-home and appreciate them so much. Sailor Jentle Irori is a really good tomato red and is one of my favorite reds. I’m still deep in my love affair with Platinum Carbon Black, I don’t think we will be breaking up anytime soon-I’m pretty sure we are going steady at this point. Try it because it’s amazing.

I hope you are all staying safe and well. What’s your favorite ink today? Let me know in the comments below!

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. This post does not contain affiliate links and is not sponsored in any way.