Platinum 3776

I’ve had a lot of requests for pen reviews lately so I decided to finally try one. Thanks to Luxury Brands for sending two Platinum 3776’s in Bourgogne/Gold with Coarse and Music nibs to try. Let’s take a look at both pens. You can find both the Coarse and Music nibs for sale at Anderson Pens.

Size Stats:

Length closed: 5.5 inches

Length of body: 4.7 inches

Cap: screw-on

Trim: gold

Size Comparison:

Left to right: Pilot Custom 823, Pilot Custom 74, Lamy 2000, Platinum 3776, Pilot Vanishing Point, Pelikan 205, Pelikan 605, TWSBI Eco, Lamy Safari, Esterbrook Estie and Sailor Pro Gear.

When compared to other pens the 3776 is the same size as a Lamy 2000.

The pen unposted is a little shorter than the Lamy 2000.

Writing Samples:

The Coarse nib is essentially a double broad nib. The nib is nice and juicy, with an average flow for a double broad nib.

The Music nib is a little bit smoother than an italic nib. It flows well without being too wet.

I have a Platinum 3776 Nice Lavande with a broad nib so I decided to compare the 3 nibs. The broad is a bit drier than the other two, the Coarse is the juciest and the Music is a little less.

Matching Inks:

Out of the inks I have Diamine Cult Pens Deep Dark Red probably matches the best.

Overall, I really like the Platinum 3776 but I like the Coarse nib the best. My perfect nib for everyday use would be in-between the broad and coarse. If you have any suggestions for how to make the next pen review better, please let me know in the comments below!

Disclaimer: These pens were provided by Luxury Brands for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.